Elizabeth S Palmer
Fine Art

About the Art

Watercolor Paintings
Professional grade paints on high quality watercolor paper. Check availability of originals in our online Shop, as some currently hang in galleries or have been sold to individual collections.

Giclee Prints
Giclées are Museum quality Fine-Art reproductions, also called Archival Prints. These are the result of highly advanced digital printing technology. A Fine-art Giclée is the closest to an original painting you can get. These artworks are made with an ultra-high-resolution fine-art printer, using seven cartridges of the very finest archival inks on acid free paper. Independent testing by Wilhelm Imaging Research Inc. (a world-leader in image-longevity testing) has established that these “Archival-Prints” or Giclées will last more than 200 years before any noticeable shift in color integrity occurs. Unlike regular printed reproductions, Giclées are truly durable “Museum quality” Fine-Art reproductions.
The color and artistic value, quality of materials, and overall looks make a Fine-art Giclée much more valuable and much more expensive to produce than any other type of reproduction. Its Market value increases even more, if it is of a limited edition of 100 pieces or less, and if it has been pencil signed and numbered by the Artist.
A Fine-art Giclée is created by tiny jets spraying millions of droplets of archival, pigmented inks onto a sheet of fine art, acid free paper or onto cotton canvas. This spray of ink, more that 4 million droplets per second, whirls onto paper spinning on a drum at 250 inches per second. Hence the name giclée is French for “fine spray.”


Notecards are printed, smaller renditions of the artist’s original paintings. They generally come in a 4-pack and are individually wrapped in clear plastic (4X6 or 5X7).

Shaker boxes
Hand crafted wooden oval or round boxes inspired by the Shaker tradition in New England. All boxes Betsy uses for her work are supplied by the Frye Company.

Commissioned Work
Betsy has done commissioned work for individuals wishing to personalize their art collections. Whether it’s a favorite landscape, a family pet, or something in a photograph you would like to memorialize on canvas with acrylics or high quality watercolor paper, please inquire!